How can we help you?
The time and costs required to process an ordercan vary widely, depending on factors suchas the industry, complexity of the order and howtreamlined a company’s structure is. Yet, with allthis in mind, there is no escaping the simple rule…
Put simply, the greater the number of suppliersthat you rely on to successfully run your business,the more time-consuming, expensive andadmin-intense this undertaking becomes.
The power of collaborating successfully witha single supplier should not be underestimated.
A report by McKinsey & Company1 discoveredthat companies with advanced collaborationcapabilities tend to outperform their peers,leading to increased growth.
Furthermore, working with a single sourcesupplier can help reduce costs, add further valuebeyond simply financial improvements, and evenhelp foster further innovation and growth.
Although there are some exceptions, buyerscan usually choose from a range of suppliersfor any one item. This is certainly the case for thecompressed air and vacuum market. What, then,are the key reasons that might persuade anorganisation to opt for a single source of supplyfor its industrial air needs?
Building strong, mutuallybeneficial, long-term relationshipswith a supplier will always helpimprove operational and costefficiencies. But by dealing withjust one supplier for yourindustrial air equipment, yourorganisation’s specific detailscan be understood in incredibledetail. This knowledge of yourorganisation’s processes can helpa supplier offer a much greaterlevel of expertise.
The greater the number of airtechnologies provided by a singlesupplier, the more opportunitiesthere are to leverage a betteragreement. This can makecommercial sense, allowing youto negotiate terms that meet yourunique needs and requirements.
Businesses can make valuablesavings by reducing time spenton administration. Switchingto a single supplier meansonly processing one invoice,agreeing only one servicecontract, and dealing withonly one customer care team.These steps help streamlineyour operations, cut costs andsave time, letting you concentrateon the more important jobs thatmake a real difference to yourbottom line.
Partnering with a single suppliercan lead to significantly reducedlead times. By working with onepartner across all your airtechnologies, common spareparts and servicing needs canbe analysed to help improveefficiencies. This reduces therisk of downtime, ensuring youcan meet your business targetswithout fail.
Regular servicing andmaintenance is essentialto ensuring equipment continuesto operate reliably. When workingwith a single supplier, with justone servicing contract in placefor all equipment on site,maintenance checks canbe undertaken in one go.This ensures servicing andmaintenance can be carried outin a timely and efficient manner,at a time and date to suit you.
Here’s how we bring it all together in a solutionthat delivers best-in-class efficiency.
This includes compressed air, vacuum,high-pressure and low-pressure solutions,so – no matter what your requirement –Gardner Denver has the right technology for you.Collaborating with a single source supplier can helpreduce costs, streamline administrative processesand improve operational efficiencies, and even helpdrive innovation and growth.