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This next gen oil-free air compressor utilizes high efficiency low/high pressure dry screw airends. Each airend is individually driven by a motor that operates at 97% efficiency. The Ultima provides up to 70% turndown, delivers low off-load power consumption, while maintaining a 63-69 dBA noise performance. This oil-free air compressor also provides superior heat recovery.
For many industries air purity is a critical factor where even the smallest drop of oil risks contamination that can have effects such as:
That's why you need the risk-free solution provided by Gardner Denver Ultima compressor.
Is it highest efficiency?
Is it lowest noise level?
Is it smallest footprint, or
Is it lowest unloaded power?
The groundbreaking design of the Ultima gives you all of these and more!
What makes the Ultima so unique?
Superior Heat Recovery
Eliminates the risk of contamination
The Digital Gearbox drives each airend individually, significantly improving performance over the complete turndown range
Ultima uses only 8 kW when running unloaded as compared to >20 kW to conventional machines
Permanent magnet synchronous motors provide >97% efficiency and compact size
Allows for a greater variation in demand without starting an additional compressor, saves energy
Fully enclosed water-cooled package offers industry leading noise performance as low as 63 dBA
Allows 3 machines to fit in the same space as 2 competitive machines
Excess heat is recovered for use in other plant processes
No ducting required
Using a closed loop water cooling system to cool all major components, and with separate water cooling for the inter and after coolers, Ultima compressors offer the highest outputs for heat recovery - approximately 10% more than comparable compressors on the market. Ultima also offers the option of air-cooling.
Where the majority of oil-free airends on the market quickly succumb to performance deterioration, Ultima utilises German engineered and manufactured airends incorporating a special coating to ensure life-long protection of the compressor and maximum efficiency.