How can we help you?
O comércio mundial de peixes está crescendo a uma taxa sem precedentes, impulsionado pelo crescimento do mercado de aquicultura, que tem sido o setor de produção de alimentos que mais cresce nos últimos 20 anos. De fato, a Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura está informando que, pela primeira vez, estamos consumindo mais peixes de viveiro do que peixes capturados na natureza. A tecnologia de sopradores é usada em muitas aplicações diferentes no setor de aquicultura, desde a aeração de piscinas de peixes até o transporte de pellets em sistemas de alimentação de peixes.
The ever increasing demand for fish as a major source of healthy and affordable food is changing the industry. Large size fish farms need to manage the complex processes in an efficient and cost effective way, while ensuring at the same time that all requirements are met in ecological and environmental matters. Dealing with living animals adds another layer of complexity and low noise levels, smooth feeding cycles and gentle handling of fish are essential. But the biggest challenge is space. Barges are limited in size and this dictates how many cages can be served. So using dramatically smaller equipment will have an immediate impact for your installation. More air for more cages from the same barge.
Gardner Denver have developed several innovative blowers for the aquaculture industry, specifically designed for offshore feeding systems or onshore feeding systems in existing or new installations. These feed lowers are a first in your industry and prove that our philosophy of customer and application oriented focus yields results that make your work easier, less costly and more efficient.