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Pokładowe systemy zasilania DLG firmy Gardner Denver są najbardziej wydajnym rozwiązaniem w zakresie dostarczania sprężonego powietrza i energii elektrycznej do zastosowań na miejscu. Umieszczony pod podłogą furgonetki lub w podwoziu pojazdu, wykorzystuje silnik i skrzynię biegów pojazdu do zapewnienia mocy napędowej. Systemy te są lekkie i pozwalają na wykorzystanie przestrzeni ładunkowej i haka holowniczego do innych celów, dzięki czemu pojazd jest bardziej wszechstronny.
Nasze pokładowe systemy zasilania DLG mogą być również wykorzystywane do systemów napędowych, takich jak pompy hydrauliczne, a także do konwencjonalnego zasilania. Oferujemy nasze sprężarki powietrza, alternatory i układy hydrauliczne w różnych konfiguracjach, w zależności od wymagań klienta. Praca jest cicha, niezawodna i ekonomiczna.
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Operation is carried out by the dash mounted push button electronic engagement system, alleviating any requirements to adjust the cable engagements which other packages can offer. This solution also removes the risk of operating error and potential damage to the vehicle. Our LED engagement light doubles up as blink code fault diagnostic, enabling self-diagnostics and can vastly reduce maintenance downtime.
Our DLG on board power systems are permanently fitted to the vehicle. This frees up the tow hitch which enables the driver to take other operating and safety equipment to site, with the tow bar unimpeded from on board power requirements.
Operator health and safety is always essential. As the DLG on board power system is permanently mounted to the vehicle, the need to lift or manoeuvre heavy towed power systems is alleviated. This removes the risk of equipment being stolen or accidentally left on site. The lack of a running engine in the van also removes potentially dangerous exhaust gas emissions from a vital working area.
The DLG on board power system uses the vehicle fuel supply, removing the need to carry additional fuel and hence the safety concerns associated with the transferring of fuel in moving vehicles. For additional peace of mind and safety, we offer on most makes and models a ‘key-out’ or ‘run lock’ system, whereby the power systems can still be operated without the keys being in the ignition or vehicle.
Gardner Denver’s DLG on board power systems are designed bespoke to our customers’ requirements. The siting of ancillary equipment is flexible and can be located anywhere in or out of the vehicle to suit operational needs. This increased flexibility allows our partners the ability to build their vehicle with precisely what their application demands.
Gardner Denver’s DLG on board power systems are designed bespoke to our customers’ requirements. The siting of ancillary equipment is flexible and can be located anywhere in or out of the vehicle to suit operational needs. This increased flexibility allows our partners the ability to build their vehicle with precisely what their application demands.
68-187 m3/hr
6-13 bar
6-25 kva
Tyre Vans, Mobile Service Vehicles, Cavity Wall Insulation
Gas, Water, Electricity, Fibre Optic Cable Blowing
Jetting, Winching,
Core & Vac
Breakers, Air Lance,
Moling Equipment
Gardner Denver Transport provide a complete aftermarket service offering including access to our extensive network of service centres and engineers for all of our Driveline on board power systems. “We keep you moving” is more than just a strap line, it’s our promise. If you break down, we’ll get you into one of our dedicated local service centres and back on the road as soon as possible. To find out more about Gardner Denver Transport’s aftermarket portfolio, including our service kits, recommended maintenance intervals and localised support network, view our aftermarket capabilities homepage.