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Seria sprężarek śrubowych XK montowanych na samochodach ciężarowych oferuje solidne, bezolejowe, bezdotykowe, niewymagające konserwacji rozwiązanie o wysokim przepływie, przeznaczone do bezzanieczyszczeniowego rozładunku szerokiej gamy suchych produktów sypkich. Sprężarka XK12 została zaprojektowana z myślą o wydajnym tłoczeniu produktów proszkowych o dużej gęstości, takich jak cement, natomiast sprężarka XK18 jest urządzeniem wielofunkcyjnym, oferującym równomierne tłoczenie wielu materiałów ziarnistych. Sprężarki XK są produkowane do pracy przy stałym ciśnieniu w zbiorniku wynoszącym 2 bary, aby zapewnić optymalny czas rozładowania.
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The compact shape and size of the XK compressor make it ideal for mounting inside the chassis on most vehicles to enable low cost direct PTO driving, meaning a simpler installation process. A through shaft allows clockwise or anticlockwise input drive rotation with mounting points on either side of the truck mounted compressor to provide further flexibility.
Unique Torque limiting coupling that fits directly onto the XK drive shaft is specially designed to protect the gearbox PTO from overloading and causing any potential damage.
The XK series can be driven hydraulically, via prop shaft, or coupled to electric motor. A wide range of installation options gives you the flexibility to run your vehicle exactly as you need it.
Every machine is supplied with a commissioning filter, which is removed after a vigorous test procedure on the vehicle.
The XK12/18 are supplied with a 2.5 & 2.2 bar relief valve, respectively, to protect the machines from over pressurization. Other ancillaries include air inlet filter, check valve and flange pack, as well as multiple silencer options.
The XK has class leading low discharge outlet temperatures making it the perfect machine for discharging products that are sensitive to high temperatures.
A simple service, carried out every 12 months allows for your vehicle downtime to be kept to a minimum, ensuring that your machines can be operating at 100% efficiency, year round.
Our small size and light build results in greater operational efficiency through weight saving and a simplified drive method, meaning the XK is suitable for various chassis configurations.
Our XK series are built to be oil free and contactless. An air gap between compressor gearbox and airend ensures that absolutely no oil can enter into the compressor’s airflow, meaning your critical product remains oil and contaminant free.
The XK series offer variable flow rate, depending on what your application demands. We offer both the XK12 and XK18 to ensure that whatever your application demands, Gardner Denver Transport has the solutions you require.
Maximum 625 m3/hr
Maximum 1,068 m3/hr
The XK screw compressor range is optimised for dry bulk applications. The high flow capacity, compact size and lightweight design allow for installation where space is limited and reliability essential. This oil free truck mounted compressor is suited for the following applications:
Gardner Denver Transport provide a complete aftermarket service offering including access to our extensive network of service centres and engineers for all of our truck mounted compressors. “We keep you moving” is more than just a strap line, it’s our promise. If you break down, we’ll get you into one of our dedicated local service centres and back on the road as soon as possible. To find out more about Gardner Denver Transport’s aftermarket portfolio, including our service kits, recommended maintenance intervals and localised support network, view our aftermarket capabilities homepage.