
Światowy handel rybami rośnie w bezprecedensowym tempie, wspierany przez wzrost rynku akwakultury, który był najszybciej rozwijającym się sektorem produkcji żywności w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat. Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa donosi, że po raz pierwszy w historii spożywamy więcej ryb hodowlanych niż ryb dziko żyjących. Technologia dmuchaw jest wykorzystywana w wielu różnych zastosowaniach w branży akwakultury, od napowietrzania basenów rybnych po transport granulatu w systemie karmienia ryb.

Benefits of our blowers at a glance

  • Tried and tested technology
  • Reliable
  • Innovative
  • Maintenance free
  • Low noise and vibration
  • Compact blower footprint
  • Highly energy efficient
  • Easily integrated into existing barge feeding systems
  • Designed specifically for the aquaculture industry

Applications and Solutions

  • Offshore Fish Feeding Systems (pellets)
  • Onshore Fish Feeding Systems (pellets)
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Pond Aeration
  • Fish Slaughtering
  • Evisceration of fish
  • Fish Packaging
  • Live fish transport
  • Oxygenation for fish transport
  • Fish oil production


Changing the Game with Space Saving Solutions for Aquaculture

The ever increasing demand for fish as a major source of healthy and affordable food is changing the industry. Large size fish farms need to manage the complex processes in an efficient and cost effective way, while ensuring at the same time that all requirements are met in ecological and environmental matters. Dealing with living animals adds another layer of complexity and low noise levels, smooth feeding cycles and gentle handling of fish are essential. But the biggest challenge is space. Barges are limited in size and this dictates how many cages can be served. So using dramatically smaller equipment will have an immediate impact for your installation. More air for more cages from the same barge.

Innovative and Reliable Blowers for Fish Feeding Systems

Gardner Denver have developed several innovative blowers for the aquaculture industry, specifically designed for offshore feeding systems or onshore feeding systems in existing or new installations. These feed lowers are a first in your industry and prove that our philosophy of customer and application oriented focus yields results that make your work easier, less costly and more efficient.

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